If you are interested in learning how to get involved in community development efforts within the Capital District, consider checking out one or both of these community meetings this week:
- Housing For All, Today, June 18th, at 5:30 pm, 255 Orange Street, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Albany, NY 12210. Housing For All is a community coalition group advocating for policies that will preserve or create access to affordable housing in Albany. If you are interested in housing issues, this meeting might be of interest to you.
- South End Community Collaborative Meeting, Wednesday, June 20th, at 6:00 pm, Giffen Memorial Elementary School, 274 S. Pearl Street, Albany, NY 12202. A coalition of South End organizations and residents are coming together to discuss opportunities to bring about radical change within their community. During the meeting, there will be workgroups focusing on: a) youth and community development; b) environmental justice & health; and c) economic development & housing.
If you are interested in sharing any other community meetings, please feel free to email the information to David Craft, Albany Law Community Development Clinic Fellow, at dcraf@albanylaw.edu.